Windows build procedure for SIP and PyQt

Note: The build procedure for PyQt&sip-Commercial is very similar to the build procedure for PyQt&sip-NonCommercial. Of course, you should have installed Qt-Commercial and you have to start from the appropiate zip files in the procedure below.

The build procedure for sip and PyQt starting from sip-win-nc-3.8.zip and PyQt-win-nc-3.8.zip is:

  1. Unzip sip-win-nc-3.8.zip into for instance C:/MyStuff. Read the README in the sip source tree and win-sip.bat batch file in the PyQwt sources. Use the batch file to install sip (the generated Makefile in the siplib folder to install two necessary header files are buggy).
  2. Unzip PyQt-win-nc-3.8.zip into for instance C:/MyStuff. Read the README in the PyQt source tree and the win-pyqt.bat batch file in the PyQwt sources. Use the batch file to install PyQt. It builds all of PyQt and does a partial install: the documentation and examples are missing, but all the necessary library and Python files are there!

Warning: Do not run
nmake install
because it may delete the necessary export libraries.

Warning: Most bug reports are related to he presence of old executables (sip.exe), old libraries (libqt*.exp, libqt*.lib, lib.qt*.pyd, libsip.exp, libsip.lib, libsip.pyd), old header files (sip.h, sipQt.h) or old Python files (qt*.py, qt*.pyc).

Warning: You may need to complete the file win-pyqt.bat to add Python wrapper files that are not part of PyQt-win-nc-3.8.

Note: PyQt's link step is long enough for a lunch.

Note: To build pyuic, I have copied the source tree of the zlib library to C:/qt/src/3rdparty/zlib, because it is missing from QtWin230-NonCommercial.exe.